it was just a let's take some pictures and you kids can do whatever
you want pose. They like the silly ones, with tongues sticking out etc...
SO mom shot away and we all had a good time - this is what we got
out of a couple hundred pics. (when you say they can pose however,
there are ALOT of bad shots)I think this one is my fave (notice the
ink tattoo's on the hands)

Nadia had her turn too, though all attempts to get some shots of all three of them were a bust.

Nadia is seriously the most demanding, smartest, funny kid of all
three of mine. Life with her is not always a picnic,but I can't wait
to see what she's going to become someday!

She has this thing with all Stasia's play jewelry, she puts it on, necklace after
necklace and thinks it's so cool.

It was probably the most fun shoot I have ever done with them - usually I
get grouchy when they don't cooperate and they get tired of it in like 1 min.
I guess goofy is just the way we have to go from now on -
awww!!! so precious. i love them all.